Wk9 – Website Info from Marcus Bohr
We had a bit of an information session about portfolio websites with Marcus Bohr. One thing I particularly liked was the realism when it comes to moving toward blogs and…
A work-in-progress!
We had a bit of an information session about portfolio websites with Marcus Bohr. One thing I particularly liked was the realism when it comes to moving toward blogs and…
I spent the weekend trying out designs for a stand for the physical model. It started as a design using sticky-tape and some paper clips… I converted the idea to…
My Mandelbox arrived today. It turned out extremely well. It is better than I imagined. The detail is really good… the teeth on the edges are very fine. I’m happy.…
I’ve been looking at the renders and the end of the fly-thru looks too sudden… I’ve decided to add 800 frames after the second last frames… actually 400 for the…
I’ve been setting up and monitoring renders for the last 9 days in 3000 frame batches… I’ve done 33,000 frames now. It has taken 9 days, 21 hours. Multiple render…
I did it! I couldn’t help myself. I’ve ordered my Hollow Mandelbox online in the White Strong and Flexible material. It was $98. Fingers crossed that it is worth it…
So, after installing the Collada plug-in, I was able to export from Maya into the DAE format, which when zipped came down from 87MB to 19MB I imported the model…
I was showing David the ability for Mandelbulber to only show partial cross-sections of a fractal. He gave me the thought of mixing the displacement idea with slices, captured front-on.…
Position and render path calculations page2 Render position calculations After the 50000 frame render test took so long… I decided that I’d go with 9000 frames from beginning to end,…
I tried twice to use Photofly to make the model. In both instances, the path I used was a circle, rounding the top, then down around the base. First attempt,…