I wanted to be able to trigger a PowerShell script with an argument from the Kodi menu…

eg. TriggerScript.ps1 -namedArg

1st – Create a python script (eg. triggerscript.py) in the home directory (/home/osmc/) containing the following:

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import subprocess, sys, requests

localurl = "http://localhost/jsonrpc"

headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
mydata = {'id':'1','jsonrpc':'2.0','method':'GUI.ShowNotification','params':{'title':'Initiating PowerShell','message':'Starting ' + sys.argv[1] +' Script...','displaytime':13000}}
response = requests.post(localurl, data=None, json=mydata)

p = subprocess.Popen(["pwsh","/home/osmc/TriggerScript.ps1","-Action",sys.argv[1]],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

2nd – Within Kodi, in the Skin Editor, Create a custom action:


Note: You have two methods to check whether this will work (use from home location):

python triggerscript.py namedArg

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