Free Running by ‘Kings of Parkour’
Free Running by Kings of Parkour How these guys jump up sides of buildings… you’ve gotta have complete trust and big balls. Amazing how they can jump and hold on…
A work-in-progress!
Free Running by Kings of Parkour How these guys jump up sides of buildings… you’ve gotta have complete trust and big balls. Amazing how they can jump and hold on…
I found this story… I can’t help but laugh but poor guy. It’s worth the read, essentially he came out even though he’s straight… read it in his words. Str8…
I more-or-less stumbled upon this article. Essentially, the study says that if you’re transported in a virtual world, into the avatar of a woman than you will identify with that…
So, one of the blogs I follow is called The Gay Marriage Blog. They posted an article today entitled “MARRIAGES ABROAD THWARTED” It brought to my attention an issue I…
Judge Walker: Prop 8 Unconstitutional Same story on Pink News…
“Prop 8 – The Musical” starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more… from Jack Black
37 Fresh JQuery Image Gallery Display Solutions ImageFlow Image Rotator with Description JQuery Cycle Plugin 25 JQuery Slider/Image Gallery Tutorials and Plugins 3D Carousel in JavaScript Rotate3D demo VR Toolbox…
I definitely do not support an internet filter for Australia. I saw the Family First party the other day spouting how great it was going to be. Lets face it,…