Art Diary (mid 2010 to 2011)

When I went back to university for my second bachelors, I decided to do Digital Media as part of the Art School at the Australian National University.

So, there was a time when I considered myself a bit of a video artist between 2009 and 2011.  I would strive for something visually appealing, hoping to make the viewer question what they were seeing or become revolted by the mundane or normal.  The ideas of scale, perspective and texture would reoccur… here are some of my video works from that time.

Skin - A texture-based video work. Nintendo Wii Advertisement. Abuse - Fruit, manipulated as never seen before. Silhouette - Experimental filming results in experimental film.

I then there’s the Mandelbox… I created a 3D Object, printed it in solid form and animated a fly-through of the object.

Custom Mandelbox Fly Through.

We needed to keep an art diary for assessment purposes, this is that art diary… admittedly, it was originally hosted in Blogger so the formatting may have changed, but these are my entries from that time.