Locate the custom element that contains the 12 or 24 hour time you wish to modify. You’ll find it under Interactive/Ambient -> Custom elements
Tap the layer you wish to edit, select “Edit in-place”
Locate the specific layer that has the tag you’re looking for… you may notice it shows as “[h24l]” or similar from the list of layers. Tap the “T” to edit the text.
Tap the Text to edit it.
Within “Input text”, tap after the tag you wish to replace and press delete.
Find the tag you wish to replace it with, eg. “[h12l]”. Tap it and it will be placed in the “Input text” area. Tap the back/down button to hide the keyboard.
Tap OK to accept the modified text.
Tap the tick action to accept the text layer changes.
Tap the tick action in the upper left corner to accept the in-edit layer changes.