- "Pujie Black Design Tip #1 – Design to the Final Resolution"
- "Pujie Black Design Tip #2 – Reduce Opacity and Shadows"
Vertex (point) reduction on shapes is also important… There is no difference in performance between a vertex with or without vector handles… ie, a corner is the same as a smooth or bezier vertex. What this means is that if you can create the same shape without a vertex then remove it and extend the handles of the nearest vertex to restore the original shape. eg. a default circle has four vertices but a similar circle can still be made when two of them are removed and the other two have their handles extended.
As shown below, triangles and squares can be made with two vertices… just sacrifice a vertex and restore the shape with an unnoticeable rounded edge using the nearby handles.
Now, obviously this tip would be redundant against designs where the number of layers are already minimal and the shapes are as simple as those shown above. But these simple examples hopefully illustrate how you may consider the removal of redundant vertices on other more-complex shapes… keeping in mind the final resolution… this feeds directly into the next tip…