
These days I may be a little biased, but Pujie Black is the best Android Wear watch face editor.

Design Tips

Working on a complex design with lots of layers or detailed shapes? Are you starting to see your design struggle as it transitions between ambient and interactive? Are the once smooth and bouncy fly-in animations no longer rendering?

In that case, you may need to consider a few adjustments to the way you’ve constructed your Pujie Black design.

The first version of my Link preset
caused significant performance issues on the watch.

Now, these are just my anecdotal observations. Through trial and error, testing and observation, I came up with the following list of design tips for such complex designs.

Things that don’t seem to matter…
  • Lines vs Shapes – At the end of the day, rendering seems more about surface area so there is little difference between a thick straight line and a similarly sized rectangle… you can feel free to use either but since lines use less vertices, keep in mind that there may be an underlying storage benefit here.
  • Shape Stroke – I’ve seen no benefit in turning off shape strokes… it seems they come at no cost whether the shape is rendered with or without the stroke enabled.
  • Layer Grouping – There is no performance cost to grouping layers together.
I wonder…
  • Is there a performance improvement if a tag is stored in a variable rather than referring to it directly multiple times in the same expression?

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