– “The Agony of Zac Efron”
I’m always impressed by photo-shoots for magazines (… I don’t know why. Maybe I’ve subconsciously bought into the stereotypical ideals of beauty, etc. Maybe that’s all it is, beautiful people…
A work-in-progress!
I’m always impressed by photo-shoots for magazines (… I don’t know why. Maybe I’ve subconsciously bought into the stereotypical ideals of beauty, etc. Maybe that’s all it is, beautiful people…
Movement pictures as found on Acidcow, entitled “What the Naked Eye Cannot See“.By way of a sample, here are three of the twenty pics posted… Beautiful!
Some aspects of these clouds remind me of when I used to take sunset photos every afternoon for an extended period. This photo was posted here on Likecool.
This are absolutely brilliant! The stop-motion is great… butter cutting, chocolate keyboard, syringing egg, rotating animated cake… very nice. I still have a fascination with food and it’s manipulation on…
These are awesome. Shots with posed animals are great especially considering the logistics. My favourite would have to be the one shown below or even the ape on the bed.…
Check out this set of 33 alien pics here at acidcow…
I was watching this video on MTV and immediately thought of Alice’s major work involving kaleidoscopes and broken up images…
I really should be looking at some of the more abstract stuff out there considering my fascination with using programs to create such work. Some of the colours/paintings created by…
I talked about this in an earlier post… ie, the technology to type and direct animated characters to produce videos… here is an example of one… check it out. It’s…
On the trail looking for and at LEGO related work, I came across Andrew Lewichi… In addition to the two below, check out his other works, including an Acordian Obscura!…